Bain Marie Buying Guide: What to Consider When Shopping for a Commercial Bain Marie


When shopping for a commercial bain-marie, there are many factors to consider. Of course, you want a product that will last and provide the best value for your money, but you also want it to be easy to install in your restaurant or food service operation. Here we'll cover some of the most important questions about this type of equipment, including what concrete you have. What is your budget? Can you install the bain-marie yourself, or do you need help from a contractor? And finally: Are you looking for new bain maries or replacing an old one?

What Type of Concrete Do You Have?

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and aggregate. The type of concrete you use will affect how well it holds up under pressure and how long it lasts. The two most common types of concrete are high-strength (HS) and low-strength (LS). High-strength HS concrete has a harder surface to withstand higher loads than LS concrete. Low-strength LS concretes tend to crack more easily after being subjected to greater stress levels or under extreme conditions like temperature or humidity changes.

What Is Your Budget?

Bain marie buying guide: what to consider when shopping for a commercial bain marie. Many factors go into choosing the right bain marie, but one of the most important is your budget. The price range for bain maries can vary dramatically depending on their size and features. If you have a limited budget, purchasing something smaller may be better than looking at more expensive models. For example, some people prefer an under-counter model to an overhead type because they want something manageable and don't need much room inside their kitchen cabinets!


The average cost per square foot will depend on what company makes each style (under-counter vs overhead) and how many feet deep it is (10', 12', 14'). It would be best if you also considered whether or not there are any add-ons, such as custom finishes or lighting fixtures, including in costs; this could help save some money for those who want these extras but aren't sure which ones would work best yet.


Can You Install the Bain-Marie Yourself, or Will You Hire a Contractor?

If you want to save money and install the bain-marie yourself, this is a great option. However, you may need more clarification about installing the commercial bain-marie or have no experience. In that case, hiring professionals who have been working with these types of installations may be better.


   If you need help finding an experienced contractor who can help install commercial bain maries in your area, check out our list of local contractors who specialize in this type of work here at Bain Marie Store!


Are You Looking for a New Bain-Marie or Want to Replace an Existing One?

If you are looking for a new bain-marie or want to replace an existing one, it's important to know the size and type of the one you are replacing. You will also need to know the dimensions of the new bain-marie.


When Looking at Commercial Bain Maries, These Are Some Things to Consider

When shopping for a commercial bain marie, there are a few things to consider. First, how much space do you have? If you're looking at replacing an existing one and want to save some money on installation costs, it's best to go with something that will fit within your existing infrastructure. Finally, if you plan on installing the new unit yourself or need to gain experience doing so, consider getting professional help from someone who knows what they're doing--you'll be glad when they finish! 

Second, how much money do I have? If budget is an issue, consider going with something cheaper than what would normally be "premium" but still high quality (or even better yet: look into renting). Thirdly: Can I install my own soffit/batten system myself? Finally: does this thing need replacing right now?



When looking at commercial bain-maries, there are some things to consider. The type of concrete you have, the budget for installation and if you can install them yourself or need help from a contractor all to come into play. You should also consider what kind of bain-marie will work best for your business needs while keeping those costs in check!

